PDL Summer 2024 Talk Series

INFO & Agenda

We are pleased to welcome PDL Consortium Members to our 2024 PDL Talk Series!
This will be an ongoing series of talks by PDL students, faculty and member company folks. Talks will occur every one to two weeks, with one or two talks per event on Wednesdays starting at 12 noon ET. (So, to be safe, Greg is blocking off Wednesdays, noon-2pm ET on his calendar :))

Registration is required to attend (you only need to register once to receive all future talk announcements and details). A new zoom room will be used for each talk date, and zoom links will be emailed to registered people a couple days in advance.


WEDNESDAY, June 5, 2024  

Juncheng Yang, Carnegie Mellon

Designing Efficient and Scalable Cache Management Systems
WEDNESDAY, June 12, 2024  

Pat Helland, Salesforce

Scalable OLTP in the Cloud: What's the BIG DEAL?
WEDNESDAY, June 19, 2024  


no talks this week (June 19 holiday)

WEDNESDAY, June 26, 2024  
Shasank Chavan, Oracle

Greg Ganger, Carnegie Mellon
Enabling Generative AI with Oracle AI Vector Search

Cluster Storage Systems Need Declarative IO Interfaces
WEDNESDAY, July 3, 2024  


no talks this week (July 4 holiday)

WEDNESDAY, July 10, 2024  


no talks this week

WEDNESDAY, July 17, 2024  

DImitrios Skarlatos, Carnegie Mellon

Amarnath Jolad, Oracle

Perspective: A Principled Framework for Pliable and Secure Speculation in Operating Systems

Breaking Barriers: Successful Strategies for Integrating RDMA in the Enterprise

WEDNESDAY, July 24, 2024  

Matt Butrovich, Carnegie Mellon

On Embedding Database Management System Logic in Operating Systems via Restricted Programming Environments

WEDNESDAY, July 30, 2024  

Jacob Baskin, Jane Street


WEDNESDAYS, August, 2024  


TBD - Stay tuned!



Director, Parallel Data Lab
VOICE: (412) 268-1297

Executive Director, Parallel Data Lab
VOICE: (412) 268-5485

PDL Administrative Manager
VOICE: (412) 268-6716